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A Chance To…(Ebook)


All Children Deserve A Chance To Make A Mistake And Learn From It Without It Costing Them Their Livelihood.

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Your investment in this product will support Life Skool youth development mentoring programs, conferences, leadership workshops, and enrichment field trips for young adults ages 11-17.

He knew he had to make a choice. If he didn’t, he’d probably be dead by the age of twenty.

Darius Pettway was raised on the streets of Detroit. The way he was going, he was either headed for a life of drugs and long prison sentences, or he’d be dead within months. Raised by a single mom, who tried to keep him on the straight and narrow path, Darius found the streets of Detroit had a stronger call on his choices than church and football. Friends and close family members dropped like flies around him—either locked up for decades or shot dead by rival gang members and pissed-off drug dealers. Along the way, someone always showed up to help—a teacher, a football coach, or a family member; but it was never enough to make Darius change … until he was incarcerated for the fourth time, and he knew this was his last chance to either change or die.

Determined to prove his father wrong about his future, Darius forged a powerful new path in life, only to be hit with the greatest injustice of all. Would he ever survive the false accusation and possible life sentence of a felony charge? Read his story and know that hope is real and life can change when you believe. * To view the Kindle format, copy (sideload) your Mobi file onto a Kindle device via e-mail or a USB cable, or download and install the appropriate Kindle reading app from Amazon.

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Walls of Life Publishing owns copyrights.


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1.      Install an ePub Reader App:
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•       Search for and install an ePub reader app such as Aldiko, Lithium, or Google Play Books.
2.      Download the ePub File:
•       After purchasing your eBook, you will receive a download link via email or directly on the website.
•       Tap the download link to download the ePub file to your phone.
3.      Open the ePub File:
•       Once downloaded, go to your file manager and locate the ePub file in the “Downloads” folder.
•       Tap on the ePub file. Select the ePub reader app you installed to open the file.
•       Your eBook should now open in the selected app, ready for reading.

For iPhone Devices:

1.      Install an ePub Reader App:
•       Go to the App Store.
•       Search for and install an ePub reader app such as Apple Books, Marvin, or Bluefire Reader.
2.      Download the ePub File:
•       After purchasing your eBook, you will receive a download link directly on the website.
•       Tap the download link to download the ePub file to your phone.
3.      Open the ePub File:
•       After the download is complete, tap on the file.
•       Select the option to open it in the ePub reader app you installed (e.g., “Copy to Books” for Apple Books).
•       Your eBook should now open in the selected app, ready for reading.

Additional Tips:

•       Ensure you have a stable internet connection when downloading your eBook.
•       Please email us at orders@pettwayspeaks if you have any issues downloading this Ebook.
•       Keep your ePub reader apps updated to ensure compatibility with new ePub formats.


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